Nut free Sparkling Coffee Snowflakes

Melt the chocolate, both semisweet and white, by microwaving the chips in small individual bowls until they’re smooth, about 1 minute. Turbinado sugar is raw sugar with a faint molasses taste. It comes in large crystals that add crunch and sparkle to the

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Stuffed Friggitelli Peppers
Dairy free  · Nut free Stuffed Friggitelli Peppers

The friggitelli pepper is a wonderful small green pepper common in Southern Italy. They are particularly delicious fried until soft and then sprinkled with sea salt and when stuffed will make a great antipasti¦

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Nut free Sugar Glazed Carrots

¢ Cut carrots into larger bite-sized pieces o Can cut carrots diagonally for larger pieces (it also looks fancy to cut them at angle) o Put chopped carrots into microwave-safe container, and add butter pieces, spacing butter pieces so that all carrots will be drenched in butter after cooking ¢ Sprinkle ½ C Brown Sugar all over carrots and butter, ensuring that the top is equally covered with buttery/sugary goodness o Can also add orange rind at this point for buttery/sugary/citrusy goodness ¢ Microwave carrots for 10-12 minutes, or until soft, serve warm

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Vegetarian  · Nut free Svartbröd

Perinteinen Ahvenenmaan Mustaleipä, makea täysjyvälimppu. Voidaan vaihtoehtoisesti nostattaa ruishapanjuurella, kuten kuvassa olevat leivät.

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Vegetarian  · Nut free Ustipke!

Ustipke (pronounced “ushteepke”) is a Croatian recipe I learned from a friend. It’s my favourite thing to make for breakfast! Serve with a mixture of cottage cheese, feta cheese, sliced cucumbers, radishes, green onion and bell pepper. Also good with jam.

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Vegetarian  · Nut free Vegetarisk lasagne från Annas mat

Värm spenaten i en stor kastrull, låt svalna. Rör ner muskoten, keson, och 2 dl av den rivna osten. Gör tomatsåsen: fräs lök+vitlök i lite olja, lägg i tomatena, krydda och koka i ca 15 minuter (man kan ha i lite tomatpurée också, det är gott!

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