Vegetarian  · Nut free Bannock

For the fluffiest results, toss the ingredients together as few times as possible. When cooking, use two spatulas to turn “ one to lift and the other to support “ to keep the hot oil from splashing.

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Best Vegan Cornbread
Vegetarian  · Vegan  · Dairy free  · Nut free Best Vegan Cornbread

While this doesn’t quite compete with the cornbread I had at a church cafeteria in Harlem, this is best vegan cornbread recipe I’ve ever tried. It leaves room for additions, like corn, peppers or chipotles. From the Moosewood Restaurant cookbook.

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Buttermilk Rusk / Karringmelk Beskuit
Vegetarian Buttermilk Rusk / Karringmelk Beskuit

Beskuit (a traditionally South African food), known as “rusks” in English, is made from dough, broken or cut into chunks or slices after baking, and then slowly dried in an oven. It is usually briefly dipped into a warm drink such as coffee and tea.

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Vegetarian Butterscotch Teacake

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg, beat well. Fold in sifted flours alternately with milk. Turn mixture into a greased 20cm tin. Bake in a moderate oven for 40 “ 45 minutes, or until cooked.

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Vegetarian  · Vegan  · Dairy free  · Nut free Cabbagechino

I love this recipe and shock people when they find out there is cabbage in it, about one of the only ways that my husband will eat cabbage. And if anyone knows my husband he is just as picky as a 4 year old. But he loves this and has it for breakfast!

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