Pork with Plum Sauce

Preparation time: 10 min Cooking time: 35 min Serves: 4


Pork Chops baked with Plum sauce..


  • Pork Chops x 4 (or Pork cutlets)
  • 3 teaspoons crushed Garlic
  • 1 teaspoon crushed ginger
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil -
  • SPC Plum Sauce - 1/2 jar
  • Sweet Chilli Sauce- a slurp


RECIPE : Pork with Chilli Plum Sauce Pre Heat oven to 180oC In fry pan add olive oil and 2-3 teaspoons each of crished garlic and crushed ginger. Let sizzle a little then add pork chops. Brown on both sides for 2-3 min.Sprilnkle with sea salt (not too much) Place in shallow baking dish just big enoigh for the 4 chops to lie flat. Cover chops liberally with SPC Plum sauce (this is in same aisle as Apple sauce and other like things..) sprinkle 2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce over. Place in oven for 20-30 min (sauce needs to look bubbly before take out of oven) Serve with some of plum sauce from pork dish drizzled over..

Very easy, very yummy.. I usually serve with potatos wrapped in foil cooked in oven (microwave with no foil for 4 min then wrap in foil and toss in oven with pork ). Remove from foil slice into 4 and add some philli cream cheese. then spoon some of plum sauce from pork dish over.. +Green vegies

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