Jan Ellis Pudding

Preparation time: 10 Minutes Cooking time: 25-30 Minutes Serves: 6


A South African dessert named after Jan Ellis, a famous Springbok rugby player


  • Dough.
  • 5ml bicarb of soda
  • 125ml milk
  • 200g (375ml) self raising flour
  • 100g (125ml) white sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 30ml fine apricot jam
  • 20g soft butter or margarine
  • 1ml salt
  • Sauce
  • 250ml water
  • 250ml cream
  • 230g (250ml) butter or margarine
  • 200g (250ml) white sugar
  • 5ml vanilla essence


Preheat the oven to 180ºC (350ºF). Grease a muffin pan. Dissolve bicarb of soda in the milk. Mix the rest of the dough ingredients. Stir in the bicarb of soda milk and mix well. Ladle the dough into the muffin pan “ fill each section of the pan about half full. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Heat all the sauce ingredients together to boiling point. Pour the hot sauce slowly over the hot pudding as soon as it comes out of the oven. Leave for a while to enable some sauce to be absorbed. Serve lukewarm with thin custard or ice cream.

This pudding can be baked and frozen. When needed, reheat till warm and add the sauce. Can be reheated by microwave.

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