Aragorn’s Athelas Tea

Preparation time: 5 Min Cooking time: 5-7 Min Easy - for beginners Serves: 6-8


Serve to any Man, Hobbit, or Dwarf suffering from congestion, sore throat, dry cough or Morgul blade stab wounds.


  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 3-4 1/2 inch coins of fresh sliced Ginger
  • 1 clove of garlic (You must trust Master..)
  • 3 sprigs of Mint (approx. 7-10 leaves)
  • 8 cups water, boiling
  • Honey
  • Echinacea extract, liquid


Place Ginger, Mint and Garlic (peeled, but not crushed!) in a cheesecloth and tie off. Add to boiling water and cook for 5-7 min. Turn off heat and add lemon juice. Remove spices and transfer to an insulated tea pot. Into each cup, add a tsp. of honey (or to taste), and Echinacea extract according to the bottle’s instructions.

since herb-lore of Middle-Earth is mostly confined to herbs native to the Shire, records of True Athelas are scarce. However, it seems by all accounts that Mint is the closest relative.

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